Armenian Refugee Fund 2023
For the Christian war victims taking refuge in the Armenian Republic
This fund is a 501(c)(3) purposed fund, received by Ordo Militaris Inc., to be distributed exclusively to qualified charities in Armenia who are supplying humanitarian aid to war refugees after Sept. 19, 2023
NEWS AS OF Oct. 4th
As you may have heard, the efforts by the Azerbaijani Government to ethnically cleanse the territory of the Republic of Artsakh — the Armenian ethnic enclave now withing the borders of the Azerbaijan State — began on Sept. 19. There are more than 100,000 civilians who are being effected and huge waves of refugees and victims are expected to pour over the borders in days. Housing, clothing, food, medical care and even burial services will be required on a massive scale.
As of February 1, 2024, we raised $5500 USD for these persecuted Christians! — Thank you!
We donated these monies plus $500 to the Armenian General Beneficent Union’s Artsakh Refugee Fund. We had previously attempted to donate these to the Armenian Relief Society of the Eastern United States, but their payment processor refused to accept the payment and refunded us in full.
We began this fundraiser on Sept. 20th, and were correct in predicting the wave of refugees. So now is the time to RESPOND with great Generosity. This is the least we can do.
Ordo Militaris Inc., is a Montana Corporation founded in 2017 to bring humanitarian aide to those persecuted out of hatred of the Christian Faith. We have begun this Fund to bring immediate financial support to already existing and recognized Charities in the Armenian Republic. We have been supporting such efforts since 2020.
You can donate via PayPal here:
You can donate via Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Stripe
Via the popup “Buy me a Coffee” App on this page (see bottom — allow popups to see it)
You can donate via ZellePay, here:
Make sure to include with your ZellPay payment, a message containing the word ARMENIAN.
You can donate via BankWire or WisePay App in this way:
You can make a donation via BankWire, in any one of the following currencies, using this information, below. when sending a bank wire include the message ARMENIAN. — Scroll to bottom for US Dollars.
In Euros:
In Australian Dollars:
In Pounds Sterling:
In US Dollars:
Please note that when sending US Dollars, from outside the USA, use the SwiftBic information; from within the USA use the Routing Number!
Excluded Nations:
Wise does not allow bank wires from all nations. Take note.
Funds donated are not tax-deductible. Refunds may be requested via contacting our office in Helena, MT. All funds received will be set-apart exclusively for the purpose stated and no amount will be received or used by our corporation for other purposes. Donors can individually inquire as to the use of their gifts. Our list of donors, however, is not publicly available and we guarantee anonymity, as much as the law allows, to all who participate in this fund. No third parties are involved in the raising of these funds and your personal information will not be used for any other solicitations by our corporation or by third parties. — We will disperse these funds to Armenian charities and initiatives which proven results to bring aid to the victims of the wars waged by Azerbaijan against Armenians. — When sending bank wires, does not disclose to Ordo Militaris Inc. any personal information other than the name on the account and the bank from which it came. — Ordo Militaris Inc. is not associated, affiliated or part of any other entity, national, transnational, or ecclesiastical.
© 2023 – 2024, Ordo Militaris Inc.. All rights reserved. Certain incorporated images are public domain.