Ordo Militaris Inc., a Montana Corporation dedicated to the humanitarian assistance of victims of terrorism, has established a fund for the relief of those who have suffered the catastrophic explosion of Ammonium Nitrate stockpiles in the port of Beirut, on August. 4, 2020.

As of August 11, 2020, there are 220 known dead, and more than 6,000 injured. The port has been entirely destroyed and the city rendered uninhabitable in many of its neighborhoods. Churches also have been gravely damaged.




Updates and news about this Humanitarian Effort will appear regularly on this page.

Ordo Militaris Inc. is a Catholic humanitarian corporation founded in 2016 for the defense of persecuted Christians. Our response to this tragedy is part of the duty of our mission to defend Christians in the MidEast. Modern Lebanon is the only country in the MidEast where Christians have been able to live in peace. It is also the homeland of Christian Maronites and Melkites who have preserved the Faith through 1300 years of persecution.

Ordo Militaris Inc. is not affiliated with any other entity nor with any government. We are apolitical and conduct our missions solely to defend individual Christians or Christian communities. If you would like to help our Corporation establish an office in Lebanon, please contact our offices for more information.

As part of our dedication to mission, no overhead expenses will be taken from your offering to this Fund. Our Corporation in the USA has no paid employees, only volunteers. This makes our effort unique and gives you the advantage of having 100% of your offering arrive in Lebanon and directed to victims of this catastrophe.

GOALS: When the funds raised exceed 25,000 USD, our Corporation will send a representative to Lebanon to assess the situation on the ground BEFORE releasing any funds. The cost of this mission will be taken entirely by the Corporation and not charged to this Fund. The purpose of such a visit will be to understand better which groups are actually helping the Christians who have suffered in this tragedy, so as to know how to have the greatest humanitarian impact by the donation of these funds.

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THE BEIRUT HUMANITARIAN RELIEF FUND was intended to be an ongoing project of our Order, without a set date of termination. But our Order has paused the collection of funds due to the instability in Lebanon, arising from the insolvency of the Banks, the instability of the government, and the imposition of a 2 week quarantine for all visitors, which has made it effectively impossible to transfer the funds to NGOs in Lebanon without sacrificing 66% of the value of the funds to Lebanese Banks who are giving only one third of the amount in local currency in comparison to the street rates.

For this reason, our Order has paused this Fundraiser and will wait to see if in the next few months the situation improves. In the meantime, the funds have been put into escrow and will not be used for any other purpose.

Look for further updates in November.

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UPDATE: NOV. 1, 2020 — Our President has written a letter to all who have donated to this fund. If you were a donor, please check the email address which you used when making your contribution.

Due to the difficulties in transferring the funds to Lebanon, our President has suggested to each donor several options. In response, as of this date, approximately $8000 USD of these funds have been redirected to other charitable works sponsored by Ordo Militaris Inc., at the express request of the donors and in the manner they have requested.

Those funds contributed by individuals who do not respond to our President’s Personal letter will be held in escrow indefinitely until the situation improves in Lebanon and then will be distributed in accord with the stated goals of this fund. However, please understand that the delay in disbursement might be considerable. For more information, see the Letter our President sent to your email address.

MARCH 28, 2021, UPDATE: We have chosen as the final beneficiaries of this Fund, the Armenian Relief Cross of Lebanon and the Aid to the Church in Need of the United Kingdom, Lebanon Fund. We thank the officers of the Armenian Relief Cross of Lebanon for working with us to see that all monies transferred to them ($6,200 USD) go exclusively to the victims of the explosion.

Our President thanks all who have contributed to this extraordinary Humanitarian action!

© 2020 – 2021, Ordo Militaris Inc.. All rights reserved. Certain incorporated images are public domain.