Videos about Ordo Militaris Catholicus*

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What is Ordo Militaris Catholicus?

A Brief Introduction for first time visitors …


OMC Radio TV did a complete series on our Order, in Nov. 2023

Here is the first video of that series. See its show page for the other programs.

On True Christian Military Virtue, from St. Bernard of Clairvaux’ Letter to the Grand Master of the Knights Templar (produced in July, 2024)

OMC Investment Promotion Video 1.0 version

entitled, The Building of a New Crusader Spirit.

This video contains the personal views and opinions of those appearing it it and is not endorsed or sponsored by Ordo Militaris Inc. and is provided here for historical record.


* These videos contain the private opinions of their producers and not those of Ordo Militaris Inc.. Do not use only the information presented in any of these videos to make any decision regarding purchasing a product, participating in a charitable fundraiser or investing or pledging with the Order, but read first our website and do not hesitate contacting our corporation for more information, and/or to confirm the present status of such works, offers of products, services or investments.

© 2020 – 2024, Ordo Militaris Inc.. All rights reserved. Certain incorporated images are public domain.