929 years ago, Catholics heard the call of Blessed Pope Urban II to take up arms to defend Catholics in the Mid-East who were being butchered for their Catholic Faith by Muslims, hell bent on conquest.

Today, it is obvious, that Catholics need to organize their own defense, since the rulers of so many Secular States are hell bent on doing nothing or denying the problem.

Here the the Ordo Militaris Catholicus, we are working to establish a religious association of Catholics dedicated to the lawful defense of Catholics wherever they are persecuted, inasmuch as we can do this by means of legitimate, state-sanctioned military and police actions: that is, a true Military Order, like those of old.

Ordo Militaris, Inc., is the U.S. Private Military Corporation founded and serving this goal of our Religious Association.

Joining the Religious Association

First of all, we seek men willing and capable of participating militarily, as Members of the Order. They must be Catholics, in good health and of military age, and be willing to promise to observe the commands of the leadership of the Order, for which we are seeking to recruit ex-military officers with proven command and battle experience, who are still capable of active service. Non-Catholic Christians interested in serving with us must be able to work with Catholics in a friendly and supportive manner.  To become a member, go to our Donation Page and make a pledge.

Volunteering in the Religious Association

Second, we are seeking men and women, with or without military experience, as Auxiliaries of the Order, as the need requires, who are willing and capable, to assist in all other aspects of support, recruitment, financing, fundraising, publicity, accounting, legal aspects and political relations, because it will be necessary to do all these things in an orderly and unified manner to enable the Order to be an effective force for defending Catholics wherever this is needed and possible according to the local laws.

To learn more about joining and volunteering in our Religious association, please listen to the Ordo Militaris Radio TV program on this topic, by clicking the image to the Left.

In such wise, by joining the forces of willing Catholics from all over the world, together, into one association with a common purpose, both military and support of the troops, a modern Catholic Military Order, in compliance with all national and international law, can effectively attain its goal: the defense and liberation of Catholics oppressed out of hatred of their faith.


Working for our Private Military Corporation, Ordo Militaris Inc.

For our private Military Corporation, Ordo Militaris, Inc., we are currently looking to recruit:

  1. Military and ex-military, who are still in good enough health for combat & security missions, overseas, whether officers or enlisted.
  2. Military and ex-military, who are not interested in combat duty, but can help us organize a military organization with all the necessary parts, from recruitment to post-deployment debriefing.
  3. Non-military, donors and financiers and experts in law, psychology, diplomacy, international affairs, medics, personal trainers in martial arts, self-defense, small-arms, Basic training team members, cook etc..
  4. Civilians who use social media, to get the message out and help us recruit personnel and all that we need to accomplish our mission of defending and liberating Catholics.
  5. US Citizens and Nationals, who have never taken Basic Combat Training, but who wish to serve in the Order in a military or security capacity; For these we are offering a BCT program. To read more about this see here.


While not all of the roles in the Order involve military or security duties, those that do, do include the real and present risk of death or grave and permanent bodily injury, and this risk you must take upon yourself as the Order will have you sign a clause taking all the responsibility on yourself. If you cannot stomach that, do not volunteer for such a role with us.

US Military Veterans, who would like to serve with us, should first watch this video:


If you are a man who has sworn allegiance to any sovereign power or is bound by any religious vow or promise, please read this short article on the Pledge of our Rule, first.

If you would like to make a donation, see our Donations page.

But if you would like to volunteer in any capacity, other than the BCT program, please write to us or send us them in PDF format via skype (see our phone number on contact page) including a copy of your

  1. Resumé or Curriculum Vitae.
  2. Photo ID.
  3. If you are or were in the military: Official Military Records (proof of service and/or retirement)
  4. A letter of intent expressing your desire to serve in the Order and in what capacity or roles you believe you can be of service.
  5.  Current contact information: phone, email, and mailing address.

We will contact you upon receipt of your documents.  Please note that if you neglect to include any of the above information, we will disregard your correspondence.

© 2016 – 2024, Ordo Militaris Inc.. All rights reserved. Certain incorporated images are public domain.