CrossAzure.Net Series A Prospectus
May 11, 2021 Edition
If you are interested in knowing more about our CrossAzure.Net Series A Stock Issue, simply download the Prospectus for the current issue (see below), which is formally offered for sale after April 19, 2021 A.D..*
Note, that this issue is being made under the SEC Rule 506(c) provision, which allows public solicitation and distribution of this prospectus. Due notice will be been given to the Security and Exchange Commission of this Issue, after the first sale of this stock, by means of the Form D filing for Exempt Securities.

Screen shot of the CrossAzure.Net Social Media Platform home page, in development, on April 20, 2021 A. D.
By Mail
If you would like a paper copy of our prospectus sent by surface mail, write our US Headquarters at:
Ordo Militaris, Inc.
55 W 14th Street, Suite 101
Helena, MT, 59601
Phone: +1 (406) 299-9260
Be sure to include in your letter, your full address and phone number.
By Download
If, however, you would like a copy in PDF format, click here.
How to Purchase Stock in this series
First download the prospectus and read it carefully, and follow the directions therein regarding purchasing this stock.
As for payment: Please note, you can purchase stock from our corporation by following the instructions in our Stock Prospectus and sending us the form, contained, therein, via mail. Pay by Bank Cheque or Bank Transfer, using our Zelle Account. For more information, contact our offices. Upon reception of your request to purchase stock, if you with to pay via Zelle, you will be contacted with an explanation of how to do that. But you must have your funds in a Bank which offers Zelle Services to qualify for that manner of payment.
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